I'm Back Baby!!!
To all my fans! Thanks for checking by. I would just like to say that the day I started this blog, I had consumed a few beverages. It took me this long to figure out what my user name and password was! Believe me, I have been trying. So…
To Ronni…..No! I will not be a one post wonder! Thank you so much for being my first commenter(errr,rrr, whatever)
To TeeDee…..Girl, you know how to make a man feel good! We miss you!
To Prestons Girl…..Do I know you? Ha! Just kidding, I know who you are, even though we have never met. How you doin?
To Anonymous……What the hell? You trying to say I’m fat? Bend over! I got a Diet Coke for ya!!!! Who you be? C’mon! You scared? Identify yourself.
To my secret lurker fan……I know who you are baby! I’m talking to ya! Sista, thanks for having a Brotha’s back and alerting me to the Diet Coke Menace!! Girl, you need to come see us!!! And yes…..we will have an ADULTS ONLY blog soon! For our best stories!!!!!
I have sooooo much to say……..but for now…
(in my best Elvis voice)
Hey son, Ive got a feeling yours and Carri's notoriety is lurking just around the corner-- you need to start a blog in spanish just to be fair--oh! you only speak English and korean..ah too bad, there is a huge spanish language audience lurking out there and only a couple of dozen Koreans...buena suerte son---your dad oh..by the way ..(kim chee sucks)or whatever that stuff was
Ps. Be sure Carri proof reads and censures everthing you write--I know from experience what a fwe berrs can do to one's "judgement" I don't want to see your name in cyber court...so bee careful
I love it! I love you, too! I can't wait for the Adult Only blog! I bet I'm in a few of those, too! You are HOT!
Girl, I gotta get the scanner out! I got pictures and you're in them! haha!
He can't even type his own name without me proofing it for accuracy. Don't worry, I'll be working O/T! He thinks his blog is going to out-do mine! ha! :) It's ON!
Ok, That was not the husband but THE sixteen sisters herself. Sorry! I was still proofing & logged in as HIM. My work never ends!
I have a couple of the photos in my head right now & I'm cringing...
Remember: after 33 years, I finally got married and have a son! Everything prior to that is a big, fat blurrrrrrr!
Kwlli - Who's not HOT? Me or Les??? You must be talking about me. MY feelings are hurt! No more coupons for you!
Who's Kwlli? haha!
Kwlli & Cwrri -
Are you making fun of me again??
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